Main Page 2612 Beachview Dr


  From the Private files of 2612 Beachview Dr.

Image from

Credit James Harrison CHI, PHI A-Pro - Your Local Inspector for the photos
I called Premiere property and left voice mail about the need for dehydrators

She sent my request to:
Thank You Casey

Professional Construction & Restoration Inc 823 N Cocoa Blvd Ste B
Cocoa, FL 32922 (321) 429-9339

Who sent out Brevard, CO. branch.

I called Premiere back and asked

the really nice lady said

We got your call, our employees cannot respond to your needs
So I passed our name on to my competitor.

I could not speak I was so stunned at what a wonderful thing she had done.

Thank You






Phoenix Dehumidifiers for the Restoration and Water Damage Industry

Designed specifically for the restoration industry, Phoenix dehumidifiers remove more water per kilowatt and provide the lowest specific humidity (grains per pound) air available from a refrigeration based system. In fact, the term "LGR" was created to describe the unique drying abilities of Phoenix dehumidifiers.

They are ideal for water damage restoration drying.

The Phoenix 200 MAX can remove up to 30 gallons of water per day while drawing less than 8 amps of electricity.

The Phoenix 200 HT is has improved high temperature operation.